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Wisdomkeepers, Tansmissions and Ceremonies by Lakota Holy Men

Published Date: January 19, 2016

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5.00 x 7.00 inches


Wisdomkeepers are the guardians of nature’s mysteries within the Lakota ceremonies and their practices, the medicine that is ruled by them, the songs that infuse our senses and our spiritual body, and the forces they produce that are identical to nature and its motivating power. These oral and entirely spontaneous transmissions, given by the three holy men, Joe Flying By, Dave Chief, and Leroy Curley, are a rare treasure of the highest generosity, directed for the greatest good. Their stories are told with complete equanimity, vividly conveying, without rancor or judgement, how Western civilization lacks connection to the natural world. Because passing on elders’ wisdom in the oral tradition to the next generation is almost impossible, given the fact that the three important elements of the Lakota culture–the land, the people, and the language–are all but gone, the film’s producer/director has provided a great service to those who have an interest in, and wish to learn from, ancient Native American teachings that have rarely been exposed.


This video presents the wisdom of three Lakota Holy Men from the Black Hills of South Dakota. Watch and listen as Joe Flying By sits with us at the foot of Bear’s Lodge, like Moses at Mt. Sinai, inspiring us with the creation story meant to create anew in each generation guidance and purpose for those people inclined to do good. He explains that creation is the opportunity for each of us to reveal ourselves fully in a multitude of activities that benefit not only ourselves but also humanity as a whole. In transmitting the sacred rituals to us he shows how to bring the holy spirit within our command. Hear Buffalo Calf Woman, who brought the seven sacred rituals to the Lakota people thousands of years ago, speak through these three elders.


Watch and listen as Dave Chief, more warrior than prophet, more teacher than poet, exposes the distortions, the lies, the greed, and self-satisfying convictions of societies that undermine and constrict anything other than themselves. He describes the harmonious co-existence already demonstrated by Native Americans when white men arrived in the “new” world and how it could have, and should have, informed the arriving white men that something fresh and new was possible. Dave Chief reminds us that despite the tension that still exists between those two cultures the possibility of equality is now, more than ever, possible for the greater good.


Watch and listen as poet and warrior, master of wit and truth Leroy Curly, having studied the laws, the treaties, and human nature writ large and small (-minded), interacts with us. He believes that in our influence as human beings each of us is able to fulfill our spiritual and enterprising obligations, to right past wrongs, and inspire future virtues. He speaks proudly and playfully about the dangers of religious politics and proclamations. He leads us through mountains of historical and political circumstances, democratic preachings and reforms that at their core produce the political enemies that threaten the very existence of future generations. And, through it all, this extraordinarily gentle man makes us laugh through our tears. Leroy’s explanations are sometimes harsh but the truth sets us free from our ignorance.


Wisdomkeepers gives you a taste of this Knowledge transmitted orally as it always has been in Lakota tradition. We are privileged to watch and listen as these Native American Holy Men guide, govern, and practically control the animal faculties that distract us from participating intellectually and universally in the Holy Spirit of Humanity. Their intention is sincere, positive, and believable.


Wisdomkeepers will give you insight into the positive and negative of relationships among humans, and between human and “God,” past, present and future.


It took ten years for the filmmaker to grasp, receive, and employ the storehouse of Lakota teachings and ceremonies with absolute Truth. Honoring the unique arrangement given to her, her ultimate purpose became the resurrection of a great people who have endured unimaginable suffering far too long.


Wisdomkeepers became their voice.

Author Information

Ora Abel-Russell maintains a practice in Manhattan New York.

Reviews (1)

One Comment

  1. Paradigm Publications
    Paradigm Publications April 26, 2016 at 10:01 am .

    These oral and entirely spontaneous transmissions, given by the three holy men, Joe Flying By, Dave Chief, and Leroy Curley, are a rare treasure of Native wisdom too much of which is vanishing with these elders.

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