ZhouZ-J2 (Withdrawal)

ZhouZ-J2 (Withdrawal)

An Acupuncture Case History
Zhou Zhi Jie

From: Shi Yong Zhen Jiu Yi An Xuan
(An Anthology of Practical Acupuncture Case Histories)

Page 75, example #2.

Fei XX XX, 17, Female. A student at the Xi An #6 Middle School. She came to the hospital for treatment on May 29, 1970.

Patients remarks: (Explained by her father) The girl had illogical speech and could not sleep at night.

Disease History: The problem had started two months before when this girl was teased and jeered at by classmates because she was an outstanding student. This went on and on until she was depressed, lacking joy, self isolated, and it showed in her expression. She spoke very little and was feeble-minded. At times she was happy or angry without any [apparent] reason. She muttered to herself, could not sleep at night, did not answer questions, did not think of eating or drinking, and her grades in school declined to the point where she could no longer continue attending school.

Investigation: The patient had an apathetic expression, and a chronically sick appearance. Her tongue body was pale, with thin, white, and slightly slimy tongue fur, while her pulse was string-like and slippery. The blood pressure was 100/70 (mm Hg).

Diagnosis: Withdrawal pattern.

Pattern Identification: Liver qi depressed and binding, phlegm and turbidity obstructing the middle.

Treatment Principle: Course the liver and resolve depression, abduct phlegm and open portals.

Point Selection: Bilateral Shen Men (HT-07), Bai Hui (GV-20), bilateral Pi Shu (UB-20), bilateral He Gu (LI-04), and bilateral Feng Long (ST-40). The points above were needled using strong draining hand methods. Treatments were once per day. The needles were retained for thirty minutes in every treatment, and moved to obtain qi every five minutes. After five such continuous treatments, the patient was no longer feeble minded, her spirit-will was lucid, and she could actively participate in conversation with family members. Yet she still had difficulty sleeping at night.

Continuing with the same formula, but applying even supplementing, even draining hand method, the needles were retained for 45 minutes in daily treatments with the needles moved to obtain qi every five minutes. By continuing through another five treatments the patient had recovered to her condition before the disease. Needling was discontinued and the patient was declared cured. Follow up inquiries three years later showed that she had no relapses.

Comment: This disease came from excessive thinking. With liver qi repressed and depressed, spleen qi depressed and binding, there was the formation of and phlegm was engendered. This resulted in clouding of the heart portals.

Shen Men is the stream point and the source point of the heart channel; it clears fire and quiets the heart. Bai Hui is the intersection point of the governing vessel and the three yang channels of the hands and feet; it clears the brain and quiets the spirit. Gan Shu is the dorsal shu point of the liver channel; it courses and outthrusts liver depression. Pi Shu is the dorsal shu point of the spleen channel; it rectifies the spleen and transforms phlegm. He Gu is the source point of the large intestine channel, and it moves qi and drains fire. Feng Long is the connecting point of the stomach channel, with a divergence to the greater yin spleen channel; it sweeps phlegm and quiets the spirit. This point combination treats withdrawal pattern when appropriate hand methods are employed. It truly can be called needling to eliminate the disease, and reaps an extraordinarily marvelous result.

Ku Xiao Wu Chang Ren Dai Chi/Nan Nan Dy Yu Duo Wang Si

Bai Hui Shen Men Pi Gan Shu/Feng Long He Gu Shou Ji She